Giant metal boxes floating past. Epic rattles and thuds. Inexplicable sudden vacancies. Hulsey Yard makes for an occasionally unsettling yet nearly invisible neighbor. Longtime Reynoldstonians still call it ‘the piggyback yard,’ from the Yard’s core function: stacking up shipping containers to ride or to rest piggyback- style. But it’s also fair to say that without Hulsey and its predecessors, Reynoldstown would exist in nothing like our current form. A century and a half ago, the core of our community sprung up around this junction of tracks, switches, and sidings. Today we’re still shaped by it. And tomorrow? Maybe its most interesting chapter yet. Peek behind the chain link curtain, at a world (and a law) unto itself.
How does Angel Poventud roll? Over the last twenty years, for a major railroad which shall remain nameless, as a Freight Train Engineer. As a bike advocate, cheerleading the hundreds of bikers who make up the monthly Critical Mass. As one of the earliest and most visible Beltline Boosters, leading monthly tours from way back in 2009. As a beloved and radical faerie, rollerblading in his green dress through countless Pride events. And lately, as the best product spokesperson the all-electric Rivian Trucks ever had. Angel Poventud is forward momentum; riding along with him is a blast.
“Angel is simply iconic. Could you make him up? Good news, Atlanta: we don’t have to.
Can you slow his roll? Don’t even try.”